Feeble Faith
Feeble Faith
Canons of Dort, Day 30

Canons of Dort, Day 30

30 Days of the Canons of Dort Ep. 30

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The Canons of Dort, adopted in 1618-1619 at the Synod of Dort in the Netherlands, are a critical doctrinal statement within Reformed theology, crafted to address and refute the Arminian viewpoints of the time. Organized around the Five Points of Calvinism—Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, and Perseverance of the Saints—the Canons articulate the Reformed perspective on God's sovereignty and grace in salvation. As a confessional standard, the Canons of Dort affirm that salvation is entirely the work of God’s grace, independent of human merit. They serve as an authoritative guide for Reformed churches, shaping theological education, preaching, and church discipline. By providing a clear and detailed exposition of Reformed soteriology, the Canons of Dort continue to unify and direct congregations in their doctrine and practice, ensuring adherence to the core principles of Reformed faith across generations.

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Feeble Faith
The blessed life of Faith, filled with hope and joy, is also a toilsome journey. Join Ron J. Eber in daily devotions and discussions, steeped in God's word and historic Christian teachings meant to encourage Weary Travelers on The Way.
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